Sunday, January 1, 2012

Happy New Year!

A strange thing has been happening at our house the past few days. A DVD is going in the DVD player, but instead of popcorn and a movie (I love popcorn!) a yoga mat and hand weights keep coming out. I'm pretty confused with all this activity. I have always associated the DVD player with popcorn and the couch. Does anyone know what Allana is doing? This is really weird. I wonder how long it will last.


  1. You better quickly set allana straight before her strange habit rubs off on mom!

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. ok..lets try again...I did a big blog comment and it wouldn't work so now it does. So how come Allanan isn't taking you outside to walk while the weather is nice and not too hot? Oh well just wait for Gramma and she will be there soon and you can take her for a walk everyday.
