Friday, March 31, 2017

Harrison can't be her favorite!

I just happened to be checking out Facebook and I saw where Laura posted that Grandma's favorite grand puppy was Harrison.  There is no way this can be true at all!  Let me tell you why.  First, Harrison is no longer a puppy.  He is the same age as his sister, Harmony, and I can tell you she is not a puppy.  She is three years old won't even play with a puppy.  Second of all, Grandma loves quiet well behaved dogs.  Harrison is not quiet at our house at all.  He barks all the time! The last reason for why I should be the favorite grand puppy is I just should be.  I'm the cutest puppy ever.  I don't bark much.  Well sometimes I misbehave a little, but that makes me so much more adorable.  I just don't get it.  There is just no way Harrison could be cuter than me.

1 comment:

  1. Gramma's love all their grandpuppies equally.
