Saturday, December 31, 2016

Family Reunion!

I had a great time at Kismet Shelties.  I got to visit with Guy and Thelma and I got to see my two sisters.  We had a great time digging holes in the puppy pen, playing in the rain (Guy didn't like that too much) and chewing on each other's coats.  It was a great time.  Here's a photo of my sisters and Guy and Thelma and my new friend Rick Carr.
Are we not the most beautiful siblings ever?  Of course I'm the most handsome of the group.  We had a great time playing together!

Friday, December 30, 2016

Another Field Trip!!!!

I'm so excited.  Dan started loading crates in the mini-van this morning.  We are all going on a field trip for the day!  I found out we are going to visit Guy and Thelma Mauldin at Kismet Shelties.  I know them!  I was born there!  I know my pedigree is all PaRay, but I was born to two PaRay dogs at Kismet.  I'm so excited I can't wait.  I promise to post photos soon!

Tuesday, December 27, 2016

My Own Field Trip!

I got to go on my own field trip today!  I had a great time.  I don't think it was as fun as Stitch's field trip on Christmas day, it was still a fun trip.  I met two new friends at New Braunfels Vet Clinic.  They were really nice to me and we had a nice visit.  Felix, the cat, came with me, but I don't think he had as much fun as me.  Here's a photo of my visit.

After we left the vet clinic we made Dan's typical daily trip to Lowe's.  I wanted to go inside, but Allana made me stay in the car with her.  Lowe's must be an amazing place as Dan visits there so often.

Sunday, December 25, 2016

I wish I could have gone with Stitch on a Field Trip

I'm really jealous of Stitch again.  So remember last week, Stitch got to meet Santa and 600 military kids?  Well, today, Christmas Day, Stitch got to go to the Hospital and cheer everyone up!  He has the best job in the world.  I want his job!  Look how happy Stitch looks in this photo with one of the nurses:
How do I get to do this?  I almost know how to sit already.  Maybe I just need to try a little harder and I can go next time.

Saturday, December 24, 2016

If only I was a little bigger...

Although I enjoy being a little puppy as it comes with lots of perks, there is one thing I wish I could do.  If only I could jump up on the couch.  I've learned to jump, but I can't jump high enough to get on the couch yet.  All the big dogs are all sleeping and are all comfy and cozy.
Don't they look all comfy on the sofa?  They are fast asleep, but me...well I'm not able to jump up so look where I took my afternoon nap:
Like I said, sometimes I just want to be a little bigger or at least big enough to get on the couch.

Friday, December 23, 2016


Now, I know I'm new here, but I'm a little confused about this cat and dog thing.   I was told that cats and dogs do not get along.  Well, yesterday I got to play with this black cat Dan and Allana call "Felix".  He was totally fun to play with.  He did get a little upset with me at one point and when he pinned his ears back, I got the idea I had gone too far.  However, today there is another cat that totally did not want to play at all.  Allana told me her name is "Kitty".   (I know, not the most original name for a cat!)

So this cat does not come in the house and does not seem to like us shelties one bit.  Allana said she is a ferel cat and she has always been an outdoor cat.  Now, I know if you are just looking at her picture, she may look all cute and cuddly, but let me tell you...I'm a little scared of this one.  

Thursday, December 22, 2016


I keep hearing a lot about sharing.  I know that all the toys in the house were specifically purchased for me so I really don't understand why I am expected to share.  For example, today, Stitch took a big fluffy puppy and told me it was his.  I refused to accept his answer and did everything I could to take the toy away from him.  Unfortunately, Stitch weighs a lot more than I do, so it didn't really work out all that well for me.
 The good thing is that I stole his big comfy bed and decided a nice nap would be perfect. 
I'm sure Stitch won't mind a bit.

Sunday, December 18, 2016

It's hard to be a puppy...

Now, let me tell you what it is really like to be a puppy.  There is so much to learn and do all at one time.  There are so many toys to play with and places to go.  I get easily distracted from one toy to another.  All the toys need my time and I want to play with all of them.  Just when I get focused on one toy, I hear a sound in the other room and off I must go to go and see what is going on there.  There really is so much to do!  As a result, I need a lot of sleep and this morning I just needed a little break to re-charge my batteries.

Saturday, December 17, 2016

When I grow up...

While I went to work with Dan on Friday, Stitch left super early and left with Allana.  I am a little jealous of  Stitch at times, but this time I'm totally jealous.  I'm not just jealous because he got to go with Allana, but he got to play with a whole bunch of kids!  He also got to read Polar Express to over 600 students!  In addition, Stitch got to see Santa!  I haven't seen Santa ever in my life.  I want to meet Santa!  I'm really trying to be good so I can see Santa some day.

Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Sharing the Universe

While I still believe I'm the center of the universe, I'm starting to see I may have to share it from time to time.  When I first arrived, it was just me and Stitch, but now there seems to be a few other shelties that think they are important.  Some of them are pretty nice to me.  I've found one that likes to play with me.  Her name is "Bree" and I found out her dad is my dad too!  I guess I found my half sister and she is super nice!
I'm glad I have a sister.  She is the best sister anyone could ever want.

Saturday, December 10, 2016

Field Trip!

I went on a field trip today.  It was fun.  I'm really good at sleeping in the van, but when the van stopped, I woke up and was ready to go.  We went to Lockehill Shelties!  I had a blast.  There were friends to play with and we had a great time. Here's a photo of me getting introduced to some of the Lockehill girls:
I had a super fun day running the fence line and barking and rolling in the grass. I think my favorite Lockehill Sheltie was "Lovey".  She was really nice to me.

What a fun day I had.  I slept really well on the drive home.  I love field trips.

Friday, December 9, 2016

I'm pretty important.

So as a puppy, I know that I am the center of the universe. Everywhere I go, people reach out for me and want to pet me or play with me.  I think it's kind of like being a Rock Star.  I may need to get some shades for my trips out of the house.  I know I'm important.

Allana even said I'm pretty important.  She said I'm going to be a great show dog some day and I'm also going to work at a hospital.  I don't really know much about that yet, but she told me I have very special parents and grandparents.  She said that I should go to the Nationals some day as my family has been there before.  she said my Grandfather, Ch Solange Surround Sound, "Dolby", won at the Nationals twice.  My other grandfather, Ch PaRay's Preferential, "Satoshi", was the number one sheltie in the nation a few years ago and my grandmother, Ch PaRay's Cirque Du Soleil, was another National Winner.  I only knew my dad, Ch. PaRay's Panasonic, and my mom, Ch. PaRay's Kismet Mystere.

While I don't really know too much about shows and working yet, I'm sure it will be fun.  I know that right now I have fun playing with toys and bothering Stitch, Ch. Bronwyn Suspicious.  I'll type later, but I want to go and play with some toys as I don't sit still very well yet either.


Thursday, December 8, 2016

Texan Puppy

I've decided that I don't like cold weather.  Allana says it is good for me to get fresh air and I'll get even fluffier, but I've decided I'm a complete house dog and don't need to go outside at all.  Allana tried to tell me that while it is cold, it gets colder other places.  She told me that Janna said it was -27C where she lives.  I don't know much about negative numbers, but I think 40F is plenty cold enough.   I'm glad I live in Texas with Dan and Allana and not in Canada with Janna.

Wednesday, December 7, 2016

I'm new here

Hi there!  I'm "Armani" and I'm taking over Ardon's blog!

Don't worry, everything is great with Stitch.  He's been a great big brother, but he really acts more like a grandfather to me.  Here he is playing with me.
I'm hoping to keep up this blog to let everyone know how everything is here with the Atwater Shelties.