Thursday, June 29, 2017

But Grandma said Come

So before you hear Allana's side of the story, let me tell you exactly what happened.  Grandma and Allana were heading to the other side of the fence.  They had their bathing suits on and their towels wrapped around them.  Now, I see every open door or gate as an opportunity.  Everyone knows the grass is always greener on the other side of the fence, so I just took my opportunity.    I darted through the gate, when Allana opened the gate and started to run a lap in the very back of the back yard.  Then, grandma said "Armani come here" so I did.

Well, I always thought that big sparkly blue thing was a trampoline or something.  So when grandma called me I was expecting to walk on the blue stuff over to her..  (Now usually I only come with such enthusiasm when a treat is involved, but remember, grandma is known for extra cookies.)  I leaped from the concrete area in all of my enthusiasm and all of a sudden, there was a splash and I felt this wonderful cool water.  No wonder they have been hanging out in this area of the back yard.  It felt wonderful.  I started swimming towards grandma, who was laughing uncontrollably.  Unfortunately, I could hear Allana calling me too and she sounded a little upset but still seemed to be laughing.  Seeing as I didn't see any cookies in grandma's hands, I decided to turn around and swim back to Allana.  Now, Allana didn't seem as thrilled with my swimming ability as grandma did.  She pulled me out of the pool and starting talking about a bath and deep condition.

I'm not sure why Allana could possibly be upset.  All I did was listen.  Grandma said come and I did and then when Allana said to come, I came back to her.  I think I was once again, just completely perfect as usual.  I hope I don't really have to have another bath.  I just had one last week.  What I do know is the blue sparkly thing in the very back yard is super fun. Grandma didn't think I needed a bath but I have to admit that all the other dogs kept smelling me and walking away from me when I was put on the other side of the fence. I wonder why?

Grandma's here!

Guess what?!  Grandma is here!  I'm so excited.  The other shelties have told me that she is the best at giving extra cookies during the day.  She really loves us and gives us lots of attention and I hope I get some of those extra cookies.  This could be the best week ever.

Monday, June 26, 2017

So Great to be Home!

It feels so great to be home.  I'm sure Laura and Harrison are missing me, but I'm glad to be back home.  Look at this new bed Allana got me!

I don' understand why Stitch keeps staring at me though.

Sunday, June 25, 2017

Such a Peaceful Long Weekend

Hello Readers!  This is Stitch filling in for Armani.  Armani was out of town this weekend, visiting Laura and her little sheltie Harrison.  It was the most peaceful weekend in a long time.  I could play with any toy I wanted as I didn't have to share.  When I took my long naps, there was no annoying puppy licking my face to wake me up.  It was so peaceful.  However, Armani came home tonight.  (I'm sure Harrison is happy!)  He's been pretty cute saying "hi" to everyone.  He is pretty cute.  I guess I sort of missed him.

The good thing is I got this new bed!  Allana must have taken Armani shopping to bring me a souvenir home from Houston.

Thursday, June 22, 2017

Another Day at the Office

I got to go to work with Allana again today.  There were a few people who I got to play with.  There was a great 2nd great teacher who played with me and the custodians played with me too.  I didn't get to see a lot of kids today so that was kind of a drag.  But during the afternoon, it got a little boring.  I think I understand why Stitch sleeps at Allana's office.

Wednesday, June 21, 2017

Take Your Dog to Work Day!

So I think Allana was thinking it was take your Dog to Work Day.  Well, that is actually a little later this month, but Allana should be smarter than trying "Take Your Puppy to Work Day".    Now usually, Allana takes Stitch to work and from what I understand, Stitch just curls up under her desk and sleeps most of the day.  I'm not Stitch.  First, I'm not 12 years old, I'm only 8 months old so sleeping all day does not appeal to me at all.  Second, I found Allana's work not very fun.  There were no people to play with.  I saw a few kids at Vacation Bible School early this morning, but that was it.  Her office is deserted, so I had to entertain myself.  First, I emptied her recycle bin.  The paper likely needed to be shredded anyway.  I did try to chew on her desk, but she wouldn't let me.  So I tried chewing on her chair and once again, I heard the "no" word.  I really don't like that word.  I finally had to settle with my toys and a new bone.  I think I like going to work with Dan more than I like going to work with Allana.

Tuesday, May 2, 2017

Worse than Another Hail Storm.

So yesterday morning while I was busy racing around in the grass in the backyard (well, actually I was digging a new hole in the nice soft grass...but back to my point)  a whole bunch of trucks and cars pulled into the driveway.  Now we do get company around here frequently but we usually don't get so many trucks all at once.  All of a sudden, there were people up on the roof of the house and the kennel/workshop building.  Now, I know Dan goes up on the roof to trim tree limbs, but I've never seen a dozen people up there before.

Before I knew it, these strangers started tearing up the roof.  The noise was deafening.  I couldn't believe Dan didn't hear it.  Now let me tell you how his day usually goes.  He usually gets Allana up for work and gets her out the door no later than 5:30 a.m. so he can go back to sleep.  He stays up late with me, so he likes to sleep in during the morning.  But on this morning, he should have woken up with all this commotion on the roof.  Now we dogs did our part.  We started barking and barking and barking.

Finally, Dan emerged from the house and spoke to these strangers on the roof.  I was a little surprised as Dan was not upset at all this noise at all.  He acted so friendly towards these people.  Well, these strangers stayed all day and at about 7:30 p.m. at night, I did notice the roof looked quiet different.  This is what the new roof looked like.
I think I like this new roof.  I think it looks pretty nice.